Has it happened to you that you grew up eating certain foods but forgot them along the way for no particular reason ? And when you finally recalled and made it (and relished it), you got so sick with nostalgia that it shocked you? No? Yes? Well, it happens to me and the times it has happened, I have been astounded at how much foods have a grip on your emotional quotient.
This Arisi Upma made me extremely philosophical and reflective the other day (to a bout of amusement/laughter from the dudes!). When the first spoonful went in, I was instantly teleported to my mom’s kitchen, eating it at the dining room and that warmth of mom’s lap. There was instant ache and longing for the luxuries which only mothers can give. I know I sound like a novelist, writing material to satisfy audiences longing for rom-com. Sigh! Oh well.
It took my bro, specifically asking for this recipe (patiently waiting even for months), for me to remember this dish and make it happen in my kitchen once again after all these years. Peppery with a mild bite, this belongs to the same breakfast category like that of Rava Upma.
Though many families, insist on soaking the rice beforehand, my mother never did this and hence I don’t either. But you can soak, dry and then pulse the rice into rava instead of how I have done. (...)
Read the rest of Arisi Upma (Rice Rava Upma) at Chef In You
© DK for Chef In You, 2013. |
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