If summer makes you run away from the kitchen or opt for minimal cooking, then this Spanish Breakfast recipe will appeal to you immensely. The beauty of this breakfast is the fact that it makes an awesome appetizer . Or, throw in some hearty additions and you have a light lunch too
How’s that for a package deal?
Few ingredients come together to make your life easier and your palate treating experience, worth noting down in your memory. I love cooking yes, but why say NO when something so delicious offers to lighten up your load? And just as any rule book will tell you, when minimal ingredients are used, opt for high quality for optimal gourmet experience.
Pluck that firm (ripe) tomatoes from your Farmer’s market (or even better – your garden), reach out for that pure Extra Virgin Olive from your stash, slice that uber crusty bread from your local bakery (or that stale bread your baked the other day) and get going. This recipe takes almost half the time it would take for you to read this post – its that simple and THAT QUICK. OK- What are you still waiting for – get started already! (...)
Read the rest of Pan Con Tomate (Spanish Tomato on Toast) at Chef In You
© DK for Chef In You, 2013. |
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Post tags: eggs, garlic, Jalapeno, tempeh, tomato